Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet sent to guide us. He went through many miracles and disasters. He lived to be 63 years. This is his full story.
The year of the Elephant
There was once an evil ruler named Abraha, king of Yemen. When he saw the Ka’aba being used for such a purpose, he wanted to destroy it. He brought a huge army of elephants and slaves and headed to the ka’aba. Everyone knew Allah would stop him. They were right. Allah stopped the elephants. The he brand thousands of birds each with 3 stones. 2 in their claws and one in in their beaks. Then they dropped the stones and killed absolutely everyone. The Ka’aba was saved.
The birth of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Many weeks after that, Muhammad (or also known as Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim was born in the same year as the one when Abraha got killed. His mother was Aminah bint Wahab and his father was Abdullah ibn Abd-al-Muttalib. His mother got killed when Muhammad (saw) was 4, and then his father when he was six. He was an orphan. He had his grandfather (Shaybah ibn Hasim) for two years, then he passed away. He still had his uncle. His uncle didn’t die this time.
Angel Gabriel washes Prophet’s (saw) heart
This whole story is explained in Surah al Sharh.
Muhammad’s (saw) first revelation from Jibril
When the prophet was 25, he married a 40 year-old widow named Khadija. When he was 40, he went to a cave to pray for Allah there. When he went there, Jibril said, “Read! Read! oh Muhammad!”. That was when Surah al-Alaq was revealed.
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