Ramadan Programme (English)

Download your journal first, so you can fill daily with your 4 activities

Each day:

  1. Read a portion of Quran
  2. Learn one du3a or more
  3. Learn a few names of Allah
  4. Learn a few words from the Quran



  1. If you want to read over 30 days you need to read 2 hisbs a day (be aware that Ramadan might have only 29 days so the best is to start the first night before the first day of Ramadan
  2. For women it is better to read over 20 days to not include the days during menstruations. You can find a planner below

Du3a dhikr

Each day you will learn a du3a from the list of the 20 du3a from the Quran

You can find the document here

If you are Arabic speaker or have more time you can also learn dome from the list of 40 rabbana

You can find the document here

Names of Allah

Each day you will learn by heart 5 names of Allah and understand the meaning

You can find the list below

You can find more stuff on the page https://islamicbase.com/names-of-allah/

Quran Vocabulary

There are 38 pages of vocabulary that would allow you to undestand 80% of the words of the Quran. So the best is to learn 2 pages a day over 19 days.

Either you choose to learn the same days you read or you do 10 days and then a break of 2-3days to revise before learning the second part

You can find all the videos and workbooks here https://islamicbase.com/understand-quran/

The document with the classified word is here

Daily activities

To make it easier for me (and for you) I created a document to know each day what I need to do.


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